
​With every puff that she drew in deep, she remembered his scent,

In every thing of smoke that emenated from her, she envisioned him,

With each ash that struck the ground, she tried in vain, to forget him,

Each time the matches came to life, she remembered the spirit that he annihilated,

For every light that he eradicated, the ashes kept piling up,

As she tried to escape through the books, she drowned in his words,

With every turn of the page, she took an irrevocable fall,

With every hope that dwindled, she died a little,

The promises forever-once a bliss, now fatal,

As time ceased to move, she missed him, for the millionth time,

She willed his heart to unlove, for a moment at least, if not forever,

He was her alchemy, now her forever entangled mess.

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